Size: 1,500km²

Type: Tropical

Location: China

China’s tropical rainforests were once colossal. Today, be that as it may, the greater part of China’s impact on timberlands exists exclusively on the utilization side. At home and away, China is world pioneers in illicit logging activities.

China’s tropical rainforests have declined by at any rate of 67% over the most recent 30 years. Abroad, Chinese firms have effectively cleared enormous zones of rainforests just as supporting substantial agribusiness, framework and oil and mining advancement extend all through the world’s rainforests.

Some uplifting news is that Hainan Island, the nation’s littlest and southernmost territory, is home to the biggest and best-safeguarded tropical rainforest in China. A significant part of the zone is currently secured and is rarely visited, despite the fact that 25 million voyagers visit the island every year.