Size: 5,500,000km
Type: Tropical
Location: Brazil , Peru, Colombia , Venezuela ,
Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
The Amazon rainforest hardly needs a presentation. It is the world’s biggest rainforest and ranges nine nations altogether, covering 40% of South America.
The Amazon speaks to over half portion of the planet’s residual rainforests and is home to an expected 390 billion individual trees partitioned into 16,000 species. Indeed, the Amazon is home to a tenth of every single realized species on Earth.
In any case, this huge wild is under steady danger from vast scale cultivating and farming, advancement, logging, mining and environmental change. With the larger part (60%) of the Amazon inside Brazil, the nation shoulders gigantic duty.
Somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2012, the rate of deforestation in Brazil moderated by 75%. Notwithstanding, information from 2017-2018 recommends there has been a 13.7% expansion on the earlier year with the greatest territory of woods cleared since 2008. The dread is this could proceed if the approaches of the new Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, see fulfilment.